Services and Fees

I am an interview practice coach, who wants to be helpful to you, should you decide to work with me.

Transparent Services and Fees to Meet Your Needs

Transparent Services and Fees to Meet Your Needs

Some of the following concepts are from a book called Switchers: How Smart Professionals Change Careers and Seize Success, by Dawn Graham. PhD

Questions—and My Answers

Q.  Is a free inquiry chat available?

A.  Yes, provided that you read through this Q&A as well as visit my LinkedIn profile, which has more answers.

Q.  What is the cost?  

A.  The cost is $360 for 90 minutes of coaching.  Two sessions are suggested and most common for the full benefit of the program.   Payment is required before each session begins.  

Zelle – Use my email address

Venmo –  @alex_freund

Q.  How many sessions? how lengthy?

A.  This varies a lot. Some people are satisfied with twice 90 minutes and others come back several more times till they feel confident.  Very often people come back for just one hour as a refresher just before the interview for $240.

Q.  When is payment due? 

A.  Payment is expected prior to the coaching session. We can block my calendar to secure a mutually convenient date and time but the actual coaching will begin only once payment has been received.  

Q.  Should I inquire about the coach’s background and years of experience?

A.  Absolutely.  As of January 1, 2024 I’ve helped  over 1,500 clients during my 18 years of practice.

Q.  Is it a set program, or is it tailored to the client’s background?

A.  Initially the program covers certain basics, including tips on best video interviewing image and proper use of body language.  Later, it is tailored to an individual’s profession or industry—for example, technology companies such as Amazon and Google, government jobs such as within the FBI, jobs for soon-to-be or recent college graduates, or new MDs preparing for residency or internship for matching hospitals.

Q.  Do you offer candor and honesty, or am I treated as a transaction?

A.  I treat all clients with respect and demonstration of honesty, integrity, and trustworthiness. Oh, and a sense of humor.  Sometimes I will share my insights and observations about you which your friends may have observed or perceived but have never told you.

Q.  Is the coach current with state-of-the-art trends and knowledge?

A.  Yes. When I’m not working with clients, I read articles and books relevant to my industry. I have written 250 articles and blogs that have been published at such websites as, Business Insider, Entrepreneur, my personal blog and LinkedIn profile.  I have presented to various groups, small and very large, in-person or via video for more than 500 times.






Q.  Is the coaching done in person? by phone? by video?

A.  During the pandemic and after, coaching is being conducted exclusively via video such as Zoom.

Q.  Are the days and hours flexible enough to meet my needs?

A.  Yes. I work weekends to accommodate my clients’ needs. 

Q.  Do I have to sign a contract?

A.  No. Our relationship is built on honesty and mutual trust.  This is not a legal transaction.

Q.  Is the coach a generalist or specializing in some aspects of career coaching?

A.  90%+ of clients have sought me out for my interview preparation and practice experience. The balance of clients are interested in guidance and practicing salary negotiations, general career coaching, personal branding, LinkedIn advice, résumé preparation, or even long-term mentorship.

Q.  Can you tell me more about the free inquiry chat

A.  The free inquiry chat is an opportunity for us to get acquainted.  I want to learn about you and your special circumstances and at the same time to give you an opportunity to ask me questions.   This is not an opportunity to solicit your business.  


8 thoughts on “Services and Fees

    1. Alex Freund Post author

      Roger, thanks so much for voicing your opinion. It is likely that others feel the same way thus I should address it.

      In comparing my fees to other career coaches I found that my fees are a kind of average. It certainly seems expensive, especially if one is out of work and has no current income. Roger, to the best of my knowledge, career coaches do not provide a guarantee that their clients will get a job. This does not mean that there aren’t any. I am simply not aware of such. Logically speaking it would be very difficult to guarantee a job since the hiring process is extremely complex. Typically, a guarantee is given for a product that is defective. However in this case the product is actually a service. If the client is not doing his homework or there are some other issues such as lack of specific skills or ineffective networking and possibly several other hurdles the chances to become employed are not that good. And that can not be directly blamed on the quality of service a career coach is providing.

      I hired many, many dozens of people in my career close to 35 years as a hiring manager, so I know. The fees that I charge my clients are for the value they receive based on my ten years of career coaching and interview preparation experience and primarily for my unique expertise in this area. Honestly, (and happily!) I have no shortage of clients. In fact, probably 80% of my clients are referrals, which means that those who paid my fees were happy with my services and saw the value sufficiently to recommend me to their spouses, family and acquaintances. In order to help my clients I am providing some incentives for savings via packages. But otherwise everybody pays the same price.

      1. Dave McBride

        I would like to mention that Alex often makes presentations and would suggest anyone with interest check the calendar. You will pick-up extremely valuable information and get a chance to meet him and see for yourself.

      2. Julie Walraven

        Alex has coached a number of my clients and they have landed great jobs. As a career professional with 30 years of experience, there are no guarantees of landing when you invest in career marketing or resume writing services but most people are not trained in how to best present themselves in the job search.

        You just have to ask yourself, am I sure I am going to win the job without help?

  1. Alfred Smith

    As a Career Counselor, I seek other coaches whose methodologies and focus are progressive and honest. I “met” Alex though a LinkedIn group of which we are both members. His posts were impressive and similar to the things I espouse. To make a potentially long story short, Alex is one of a small handful of career coaches I recommend in my own volunteer workshops. My description of him is, “Alex is probably the best interview coach I know.”

    Cost? Consider the cost of being hired one, two, six months earlier than you might be otherwise. The “cost” of a coach like Alex Freund is a small investment into your future.

    You cannot go wrong by adding Alex’s arrows to your job search quiver!

    Al Smith

  2. Daniel Lurie

    Goo Morning,

    I’ve never really known what I want to do regarding a career. I’m currently employed but I need to leave my current employment situation as soon as possible. I’m here because I’m looking for ideas on possible careers based upon my previous experience. I’d love to pick your brain.

    1. Alex Freund Post author

      Daniel, there is help out there for people like you. Under the umbrella of career coaching my specialty is interview preparation and practice but there are people who specialize in precisely what you need, i.e. helping clients identify future employment options based on past skills, experience and jobs in demand. Daniel, I do not monitor this site so often therefore my suggestion is for you to continue our correspondence via my regular email at
      Happy to help.


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